Equality Objectives

Holyrood Academy's Equality Objectives

Holyrood Academy seeks to promote equality and we celebrate the diversity within our community. We welcome the Public Sector Equality Duty as set out in the Equality Act (2010).

What is the duty?

We must:
• Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
• Advance equality of opportunity between different groups
• Foster good relations between different groups

What are the protected characteristics?


The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to ensure protection on the grounds of specific characteristics (referred to as protected characteristics). For schools, this means that it is unlawful to discriminate against students or treat them less favourably because of their age; sex; race; disability; religion or belief; gender reassignment; sexual orientation; pregnancy or maternity.
Marriage and civil partnerships and age are also 'protected characteristics'.

Our Equality Policy

Our Equality & Diversity Policy, which can be found on our website in the 'Policies' section, contains information about how the school complies with the Public Sector Equality Duty. We also give guidance to staff and outside visitors on our approach to promoting equality.

•           Holyrood Academy continues to prioritise students in receipt of PP funding, those experiencing disadvantage and those with SEND, positively privileging them in line with our mission for social justice and social mobility.

•           Our Kaleidoscope group, which exists to promote and support issues facing our LGBTQ+ community, is now established and playing an active role in promoting LGBTQ+ issues.

•           Our Anti-bullying strategy continues to be very effective and impactful. It has allowed the school to establish three clear ways of reporting unkindness and bullying which are now very well used and trusted by our students. We have seen a significant decrease in all forms of bullying across a three-year trend.

•           We have mapped our provision against the Gatsby benchmarks for Careers guidance, to ensure that our careers information, advice and guidance provisions are effective for all students.

•           Our Equality & Diversity Team now consists of two members of staff who work together with our staff and students to ensure that kindness and equality are promoted.

•           We have engaged our student leadership teams to improve the content of our PDP curriculum to best meet the needs of our context with regards to DEI.

•           We have engaged our student leadership teams on particular equality-related issues in school, including refurbishment of toilets, labelling of accessible toilets and a gender-neutral uniform.

•           We have worked closely with our staff to understand how respected and included they feel in their place of work as a result of their protected characteristics.

•           We have conducted a whole school survey of staff and students to find out their views on issues of gender equality, sexism and misogyny, the findings of which will inform our strategy for 2024-25.

•            We had our annual SEND review by a variety of colleagues from other BEP schools, which helped us better understand the strengths of our SEND provision as well as what we need to do to be better. This has allowed us to ensure that our self-evaluation is very accurate. We were pleased that all previous areas for development are now recognised as strengths of the school.

•           Our Enhanced Learning Provisions for Cognition and Learning Needs and Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs are thriving.  The former won a national NASEN award for 2024.

•           We were part of a DfE pilot project to investigate the impact of Trauma Informed Schools training upon reducing suspensions and exclusions.  This meant that our staff received high-quality training on how to best support children who have experienced trauma.

·       We established a comprehensive programme of community engagement activities, ranging from hosting Britain's Disabled Strongman to playing an active role in Chard's multi-cultural festival events.

Progress made in 2023-24

• To use the feedback we have received on issues of gender equality to implement an effective anti-sexism and anti-misogyny strategy.
• To use our Trauma Informed Schools training to prioritise the building of relationships with some of our hardest to reach children and families so that all can thrive in our school.
• To work closely with students to understand how to fully include all student groups within our community, using student voice effectively.
• To respond effectively to the findings of our SEND review so that provision and outcomes in all their forms improve for these students.
• To ensure that SEND and PP children are reading at their chronological age so that they can maximise their learning.
• To ensure that SEND and PP children are proportionately represented in our extra-curricular programme of clubs and trips.
• To ensure that SEND and PP children are supported to sustain their attendance at school in line with the attendance of all students.

Our Equality Objectives 2024-25