Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is a fund which comes directly into school from the government to help us to achieve these aims. It is targeted at students who are or have received Free School Meals at any time in the past 6 years; or are ‘looked after children’ who are in the care of a local authority; or have been adopted having previously been a looked after by a local authority.
More information about the Pupil Premium Funding and the Recovery Grant premium can be found here.
At Holyrood Academy we are committed to maximising the achievement, progress and wider development of disadvantaged pupils, and narrowing the gap between their outcomes and those of their peers from
more advantaged backgrounds.
There is a substantial body of evidence that shows that children from disadvantaged backgrounds, whether that be because of socio-economic circumstances or due to family upheaval, generally face significant additional challenges in reaching their potential at school. Consequently, many do not perform as well as their peers from more advantaged backgrounds, often with large gaps seen between the achievements of each group. Indeed, after prior attainment, poverty is the single most important factor in predicting a child’s future life chances.
Our objectives for a pupil premium plan are the same as our school vision with the additional recognition that some of our PP students will require support to overcome the additional barriers which they face.
Our Academy’s vision:
∙ A mission for social justice and social mobility: no ‘glass ceilings’
∙ High expectations of students who buy into what we are doing and why we are doing it
∙ A culture wherein every child and colleague has the opportunity and is proud to aim extremely high
∙ Expert teaching for every student, every lesson, every day
∙ A school experience that leaves students with memories and qualifications they are proud of
∙ A successful and happy environment for everyone at Holyrood.
We have developed a comprehensive strategy that sets out the actions we will take with the funding we have been allocated in order to tackle the main areas of challenge facing our disadvantaged students. Details of our strategy can be accessed here - Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-26.
If you would like more information please contact Mr Jon Scott, Deputy Headteacher (the member of the Senior Leadership Team with responsibility for Pupil Premium).